Nagyobb áteresztőképesség, optimális helykihasználás és kisebb üzemeltetési költségek - a miniload shuttle egy nagy teljesítményű automatizálási megoldás a kis alkatrészek helytakarékos tárolására és komissiózására.
A shuttle-rendszer ott teljesíti ki valódi potenciálját, ahol a teljesítményigény magas: a shuttle-ek száma változhat, így csúcsidőben könnyen hozzáadhatók továbbiak. Az Ön nagy teljesítményű raktára így az Ön egyéni igényeihez optimalizálható, ahogyan az Ön igényei változnak.
Whether used for order picking, consolidation or sequencing, our high-performance, sustainable miniload shuttle helps you to make full use of the space in your warehouse and significantly boost capacity in the space available. We develop individual shuttle systems for you featuring top system performance and energy-efficient components for seamless integration into your existing system landscape. Reap the benefits of an optimum cost-performance ratio.
Logisztikai rendszerek
Would you like to boost the efficiency of your fully automated small-parts logistics? Then a miniload high-performance warehouse is for you. Our high-performance shuttle warehouse solutions provide you with the latest equipment for transporting containers, boxes and trays. Shuttle systems are ideal for meeting high performance requirements and work in parallel for a significant boost in goods throughput. The modular design allows the miniload shuttle to grow in line with requirements and enables flexible adjustment to current conditions.
With the ability to run 365 days a year, our miniload shuttle system delivers maximum productivity while ensuring the efficient use of your resources. The miniload comes with SuperCaps, which store the energy that is released during braking and feed it back into the power train during acceleration. You therefore save energy on every transport run, minimise your operating costs and also reduce your carbon footprint. As a system provider, we are happy to advise you on choosing the right components for your automated shuttle warehouse system.