Egy erősen digitalizált világban a jövőbiztos tárolórendszerekre van szükség. A mi válaszunk a megnövekedett piaci igényekre: egy automatizált raklapraktár, amely optimális helykihasználással, nagy áteresztőképességgel és rövid hozzáférési idővel rendelkezik.
Moduláris felépítésének és skálázhatóságának köszönhetően automatizált raklapraktárunk a raklapszállítás terén minden más tárolórendszernél univerzálisabban használható. Előnye az anyagáramlás nagyobb megbízhatósága és gyorsasága, valamint a különböző rakományhordozók egyszerű működtetése.
Bohus, Norway's largest furniture store, relies on a state-of-the-art, fully automated logistics solution from Jungheinrich, consisting of racking systems, stacker cranes, and conveyor systems, in its central warehouse in Lillestrøm. The automated pallet and small parts warehouse with around 32,000 storage locations not only ensures maximised storage capacity and increased delivery capability, but also reduces Bohus' electricity consumption by an impressive 17 per cent.
Automated pallet warehouses are the first choice when large quantities of items need to be handled in a limited space or when maximum availability is required in 24/7 operation. With our scalable pallet shuttle storage solutions, we support you in achieving your medium and long-term business goals. We can help you design a customised automation solution to suit your needs that will prepare you for the challenges of the future.
Our automated storage systems are not only true space miracles, but also impressively versatile. As a system provider, we implement automated pallet warehouses for you as built-in warehouses or free-standing silo warehouses with a height of up to 45 m and optimum space utilisation. Whether single, double or multiple-depth, for use as a normal temperature warehouse, temperature-controlled warehouse, or as a cold store down to -35 °C – with our solutions for your automated pallet warehouse, you can enjoy maximum flexibility.
Everything from a single source: as a general contractor, Jungheinrich supplies you with all the components you need for your automated pallet warehouse. We support you from the initial idea to the ongoing operation of your automated system and beyond. Even after commissioning, we are at your side with comprehensive service and support solutions to ensure that your system achieves the best performance for you – now and in the future.